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作者: admin  发布: 2019-09-03 分类:全部文章 阅读: 558次


‘Spider-Man,’ a Migrant in Paris, Scales Building to Save a Child

马里移民马穆杜·加萨马在巴黎爬上一幢楼的四个阳台,把一个小孩拉到了安全地带。ACTU BUZZ, VIA YOUTUBE

视频:加萨马救下儿童全程 来源/The Guardian/Youtube

PARIS —The 4-year-old boy seemed to be suspended from a balcony. An adult standing on a nearby balcony seemed powerless to help. Disaster seemed the only possible outcome.
巴黎——那个四岁男孩正悬在阳台上。站在旁边阳台上的一名成年人似乎无法把他拉上来。灾难似乎是唯一可能的结果翼神油耗 。
Then, to the nimble rescue on the streets of Paris on Saturday evening, came a young man whom some French people have started to call the Spider-Man of the 18th, referring to the arrondissement of Paris where the episode unfolded.
With a combination of grit, agility and muscle, the man hauled himself hand over hand from one balcony to another, springing from one parapet to grasp the next one up. A crowd that had gathered before he began his daring exploit urged him ever upward, according to onlookers’video that was shared widely on social media.
Finally, after scaling four balconies, the man reached the child and pulled him to safety. And suddenly温立三 , an act of individual courage and resourcefulness began to play into Europe’s fraught and polarized debate about outsiders, immigrants and refugees.
爬了四个阳台之后九路冥婚,这名男子终于够到了那个孩子,把他拉到了安全地带纸藤花 。突然之间,这个充满个人勇气和智谋的行为卷入了欧洲关于外来者、移民和难民的这场令人担忧的两极化辩论中瘟仙。
The man, identified as Mamoudou Gassama,李晞彤 22, is a migrant from Mali花瑶竹酒, a troubled former French colony in northwest Africa, who journeyed through Burkina Faso, Niger and Libya before making the dangerous Mediterranean Sea crossing to Italy and arriving in France in September, without documentation.
小伙子名叫马穆杜·加萨马(Mamoudou Gassama),22岁,是一名来自马里的移民。马里是非洲西北部的一个处于动荡之中的前法国殖民地。他曾穿越布基纳法索、尼日尔和利比亚,渡过充满危险的地中海,到达意大利,然后在去年9月抵达法国,没有办理移民手续。
On Monday, after his heroic rescue of the boy, he met with President Emmanuel Macron. Now, he will get the requisite documentation to live legally in France.
周一,在英勇地营救了那名男孩之后,法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)接见了他。现在他将获得在法国合法居住的必要文件。

周一,法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙在巴黎的爱丽舍宫接见了马穆杜·加萨马。POOL PHOTO BY THIBAULT CAMUS
Mr. Gassama will be one of a lucky few in a country with increasinglytightimmigration rules and a generally skeptical attitude toward migrants who are seeking primarily economic benefits.
In 2017, only five people were granted residency papers for “exceptional talent” or “services rendered to the community,” according tostatisticsfrom the French Interior Ministry. In 2016, there were six.
根据法国内政部(French Interior Ministry)的统计数据,2017年,只有五个人凭借“特殊才能”或“为社区服务”获得了居留资格球拍状胎盘 。2016年有六个。
On Monday, sitting across from Mr. Macron in one of the palace’s many gilded rooms, Mr. Gassama, wearing jeans and a short-sleeved shirt, told the French president about the rescue. “Bravo,” Mr. Macron said, as the two men sat before TV cameras.
周一,在爱丽舍宫一个金碧辉煌的房间里,身穿牛仔裤和短袖衫的加萨马和法国总统马克龙在摄像机前相对而坐,向他讲述了营救经过仙侣传奇。“了不起奥嘉·方达 ,”马克龙说。
Mr. Macron said in his statement that the Paris firefighters were “eager to welcome” Mr. Gassama into their ranks. He added that he had “invited” Mr. Gassama to apply for French citizenship, “because France is built on desire, and Mr. Gassama’s commitment clearly showed that he has that desire.”
The boy saved by Mr. Gassama was alone in the apartment while his father went grocery shopping, said Fran?ois Molins, the Paris prosecutor. The boy’s mother was not in Paris at the time.
巴黎检察官弗朗索瓦·莫兰(Fran?ois Molins)称,加萨马救下的男孩当时独自待在公寓里,他的父亲去杂货店买东西了。男孩的母亲当时不在巴黎。
Mr. Molins told the BFM television news channel that the father had taken a long time to return home because he had decided to play the smartphone gamePokémon Goas he was leaving the store.
“He is devastated because he realizes what he did, and the tragic consequences that it could have led to,” Mr. Molins said.
The father was taken into police custody on Sunday, and an investigation has been opened for “failure to meet parental obligations.” A conviction on that charge carries a sentence of up to two years in prison. The parents have not been identified, as is customary in French criminal inquiries.
The father has been released pending trial.
As for Mr. Gassama,he told the newspaper Le Parisienthat he was with his girlfriend and wanted to go watch theChampions League soccer finalSaturday evening when he came across a commotion around 8 p.m.
至于加萨马,他在接受《巴黎人》报(Le Parisien)采访时表示,当时他和女友在一起,想去看周六晚上的欧洲冠军联赛决赛,结果在晚上8点左右撞见这起事故。
“I saw all these people shouting, and cars sounding their horns,” he said. “So I crossed the road to go save him.”
“我看到人们在喊叫,汽车在鸣笛,”他说,“所以我穿过马路去救他石一歌 。”
“I felt afraid when I saved the child,” he said, according to French news reports. “I started to shake, I could hardly stand up. I had to sit down.”

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我不去想,是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。 我不去想,能否赢得爱情,既然钟情于玫瑰,就勇敢地吐露真诚。 我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。 我不去想,未来是平坦还是泥泞,只要热爱生命, 一切,都在意料之中!