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作者: admin  发布: 2015-08-27 分类:全部文章 阅读: 627次



众所周知,川普最讨厌非法移民,而美国最多的非法移民就是老墨。理论上来说,解决这个问题应该是美国加大对边境管理力度天堂餐馆 ,但川普居然要在美国和墨西哥之间修建一堵隔离墙,一个堪比长城的大工程!

很显然,这绝对是羞辱墨西哥的一项工程,不仅墨西哥狂喷,连很多人美国人也骂川普太过分了。甚至威海潮汐表 ,连基本不问世事的教皇都出来批评川普说,人类文明是修建沟通的桥梁,而不是隔离墙……那么,川普道歉了吗?

讲真,落后的墨西哥不过是承接美国重污染企业,或者美国不要的傻大粗行业的国家而已网上建设银行 。也不要瞧不起这些重污染与傻大粗的产业,全世界至少有一百个国家,在跪求美国把这些行业转移到他们那里啊……只能说,涅托真的是一位非常伟大的总统!
个人的荣辱与国家的利益,哪个更重要呢?尧建云 至少,涅托不顾自己的面子,在和川普签订协议之后的新闻发布会上,曾F川普的他又各种跪舔川普。当然,川普也商业互吹涅托,并呼吁世界资本去墨西哥投资办厂……So,加拿大已成最大输家!


在墨西哥加拿大之前,川普就已经搞定了欧洲、澳大利亚、日本(越南可有可无)……现在,与川普达成单边贸易协议的国家程新惠 ,已经占了地球60-70%的GDP,也完全形成了产业闭环,不需要其他国家了。或者说,有没有其他国家已经不重要。

嗯沈思豪 ,川普曾放过多次退出WTO的嘴炮,但或许只有这次是真的,因为这次真动手了。比如,前两天,美国在WTO上对一名WTO高级委员的连任投下反对票,导致该名WTO高级委员失去连任的机会。

这个WTO高级委员可以理解为WTO的裁判,主要负责成员国之间的纷争处理。嗯,如果该名WTO高级委员因美国的反对票而不能连任,那么WTO就很可能瘫痪(裁判人数不够)……很显然蔓越莓片 ,川普不想和大家一个锅里搅勺子了,砸锅。
WTO是个完全失败的组织,这么多年来美国一直对WTO不满,认为WTO是世界各国剥削美国的组织宋菲菲 。但是,很多国家也对WTO不满啊。比如,过去几十年中,很多国家就天天说美国操控着WTO,通过WTO实施霸权主义、剥削发展中国家……那么,在这场没完没了的撕逼中,你分得清谁对谁错吗?
呵呵,无所谓了,反正现在美国已经要退出。这意味着,美国不会剥削其他国家,其他国家也不会剥削美国,这不是双赢空降神兵 ,什么是双赢?难道,大家不应该开瓶香槟庆祝吗?


Trump’s foreign policy is actually boosting America’s standing
ByMichael Goodwin
August 11, 2018 | 9:10pm
A story is supposed to have?two sides, but there is only?one when it comes to President Trump’s foreign policy. Most American media treat his every effort as a savage assault on a harmonious world order.
Whether it’s the trade dispute with China, his pushing North Korea to scuttle its nukes or his demand that NATO members spend more on defense, the headlines sound the same shrieking note: “Trump inflames .?.?. Trump escalates .?.?. Trump doubles down .?.秦洪涛 ?. Trump risks .?.?.”
The parade of horribles continues to this day, but it will be hard to out-fear-monger a Time magazine headline from May: “By Violating Iran Deal, Trump Jeopardizes National Security.”
But since the world hasn’t ended and since we’re not dead yet, I humbly suggest it’s time to take a deep breath and consider the other side of the story.
We don’t have to look far. Numerous signs are popping up that the impact of Trump’s policies is far from the disastrous scenario the media predict. By wielding America’s power instead of apologizing for it, and by keeping his focus on jobs and national security, Trump is making progress in fixing the ruinous status quo he inherited.
America First, it turns out, is more than a slogan. It is a road map to reshaping America’s relationship with friend and foe alike.
Take China. Despite press accusations that Trump risks a global recession withtariffs on Chinese imports, recent reports say there is growing criticism over how China is handling Trump. One professorpublished an essayciting “rising anxiety” and “a degree of panic” about China’s combativeness on the issue.
Others told the New York Times and CNBC that China’s leaders should be flexible toward Trump’s push for a more equal trading system. They said boasts and threats from Chinese officials and retaliatory tariffs on American soybeans and other products are raising fears that China is courting chaos by overestimating China’s international clout.
“China should adopt a lower profile,” one foreign policy expert theretold the Times. “Don’t create this atmosphere that we’re about to supplant the American model.”
Turkey is testing Trump byseizing an American pastor, Andrew Brunson, and refusing to release him. Instead of paying a ransom or making concessions, Trump’s team levied sanctions on two Turkish cabinet members anddoubled tariffs on steel and aluminum拍来贷, which sent panic through currency markets. The Turkish lira lost 13 percent of its value against the dollar in one day and inflation stands at an -estimated 85 percent.
The erratic Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has silenced nearly all opposition but revealed the pressure he’s feeling when he cryptically declared, “If they have their dollars, we have our people, our God.” He urged Turks to exchange gold and other valuables for the lira in hopes of stopping the rout. Good luck with that.
Then there’s Iran. Notwithstanding Time magazine’s scare claim,Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear accordandlast week’s imposition of sanctionsaimed at the government and certain industries are adding to the economic pressure on the mullahs.
For months, demonstrations and strikes have focused on inflation, water shortages and rampant corruption, all amplified on social media. Some protesters criticize Iran’s involvement in Syria and its support of Hamas in Gaza while neglecting despair at home.
Even before the sanctions, the Iranian rial lost 80 percent of its value against the US dollar and Forbes estimates inflation exceeds 200 percent.
Trump tweeted that the sanctions, which had been lifted by President Barack Obama, are just the first step and that a bigger round starts in November.
“Anyone doing business with Iran will NOT be doing business with the United States,”he wrote. “I am asking for WORLD PEACE, nothing less!”
That was a reference to his-offer to talk to Iran’s leaders about a new nuclear deal. So far, the Iranians have sent mixed signals, but some observers believe the bite of sanctions will force them to the table.
Already some European firms that rushed to do business in Iran after the nuclear deal was signed are pulling out because they fear being blacklisted by the US Treasury. And regime attempts to blame everything on Trump are failing, with most of the public blaming the mullahs for the crisis.
AsThe Atlantic magazine notes, Trump’s approach to Iran resembles his approach to North Korea: “Saber rattling followed by summitry.” The magazine reports that North Korea’s foreign minister visited Tehran last week.
The NATO spending issue is a classic example of media bias against Trump. When President Ronald Reagan was subjected to similar knee-jerk attacks over his foreign policies, the late, great William Safire dubbed the critics “Blame America Firsters.”
Of course, Reagan’s policies are now widely regarded as transformative. Unfortunately for the modern Blame America Firsters, the NATO issue shows Trump’s forceful actions can bring results.
The fact that only a handful of the other 28 members meet the agreed goal of spending 2 percent of their GDP on defense rankled former presidents, but they could not move the needle. Europe loved Obama but ignored his polite request.
Then came Trump, and, instead of looking for love, he demanded money. His scorching criticism focused on the fact that NATO was designed to protect Europe from Russia, so it’s unfair for the US to pay the lion’s share of costs. Although Trump got his numbers wrong — NATO says the US pays 22 percent of all costs, not 90 percent — his point was correct.
Naturally, he made it theatrically and, naturally, most coverage suggested he was tearing the alliance apart by publicly airing dirty laundry, including his blast at Germany for spending billions to buy energy from Russia.
Busy attacking Trump, reporters ignored the fact that his criticism is bearing fruit.
The European Union agreed to buy more energy from America and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg credited Trump for pushing a “clear message” that members need to speed up defense hikes. He said Trump’s effort led to higher spending this year, though he did not confirm the president’s claim that the -increase amounts to $33 billion.
At home, the president’s style spurs mass outbreaks of Trump Derangement Syndrome, but some foreign leaders appreciate his forceful clarity. An unidentified European Union ambassadortold the Sun newspaperin London that Trump is “easier to negotiate with” than British Prime Minister Theresa May because Trump is focused on what he wants. May bungled Brexit negotiations by being -unclear and indecisive, the official said漓江情韵 , adding, “If this had been a rational discussion like we have with Trump on cars,” a deal might be finished.
Trump wastes no time bouncing back from Russia meddling comments
Even relations with Mexico look to be improving. The newly elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador,thanked Trump for a “very respectful” congratulation messageand said he wants to “reach an understanding” on NAFTA and other issues.
“We are conscious of the need to maintain good relations with the United States,” said López Obrador, whose populism and nationalism themes are compared to Trump’s.
More so than on any other topic, coverage of Israel reveals how the media either misread reality or simply distort it out of Trump hatred.
The president’s decision to right a historic wrong andrecognize Jerusalem as the Jewish state’s capitalwas met with such exaggerated predictions of calamity that it seemed as if Armageddon was at hand. I happened to be in Jerusalem on the December day of the announcement, and the minor Arab protests showed how ridiculous those predictions were.
In fact, many Arab leaders are tired of Palestinian rejectionism and some have serious military relationships with Israel focused on Iran and Islamic State. For that and other reasons, by the time thenew embassy building opened in May, some media reports described it as a merely “symbolic” move.
How about that — from Armageddon to symbolism in five months! That’s rewriting history at warp speed.
Trump the president is still a work in progress, as illustrated most vividly by his evolving policies on Russia. His quick correction of hismistake at Helsinki over Russian election meddlingand theimposition of sanctions last week over the use of a nerve agentagainst an ex-Russian spy and his daughter in the UK look as if he is coming to accept the consensus view that Russia is an adversary俄罗斯性格 , not a friend.
Besides, as he is showing elsewhere, weakness does not improve relations. Strength does.
A worker covers bags of chemicals with a sheet at a port in Zhangjiagang in China’s eastern Jiangsu province.
He saw that firsthand when the sanctions sent shocks through Moscow’s stock and currency markets Friday. Russian leaders reacted with fury, as Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev called the sanctions and the threat of asecond round “economic warfare.”We’ll see if the bluster is followed by action.
A final thought: Trump’s big initiatives are in the early stages and remain unfinished. His team is solid but small and they are juggling a lot of complex issues. Time, persistence and luck are needed for success.
Some foreign governments are waiting to see what happens in the midterm elections. While it waits, China is actively targeting red-state industries with tariffs in a clear attempt to punish Trump. If that isn’t election meddling, what is it?
If the GOP loses either house of Congress, Trump would be weakened for the final two years of his term. Foreign leaders would be tempted to hold out for better terms — or a new president.
But if the GOP holds control, the president would be strengthened and command even more attention on the world stage. Then our nation could reap the full bounty of benefits from putting America First.

时间:9月8日 星期六 10:00-16:00
时间:9月8日 星期六 下午14:30


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我不去想,是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。 我不去想,能否赢得爱情,既然钟情于玫瑰,就勇敢地吐露真诚。 我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。 我不去想,未来是平坦还是泥泞,只要热爱生命, 一切,都在意料之中!